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Efficient HR Workflows: Simplify Tasks with SAP Fiori HR Apps

Streamline HR operations with SAP Fiori HR apps, offering intuitive tools for employee management, payroll, and productivity enhancement.

Does your organization have a streamlined HR process flow?

The ability to request/ approve leaves on the go or view employee timesheets across multiple platforms are some of the most essential capabilities for any business. Hence, there is a pressing need for HR apps that simplify and streamline processes for a more productive environment. SAP Fiori HR Apps is the solution required to address these issues.
We aim to transform your business-employee interaction with unique engagement capabilities by activating Fiori apps for your HR system.

How do SAP Fiori apps help in HR systems?

Image illustrating the benefits of SAP Fiori HR Apps in enhancing HR systems through efficient sap flow management.

SAP Fiori CRM Apps

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App type :-  Transactional, Analytical (SAP Fiori (SAPUI5))
Database :- HANA DB exclusive
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA

Features :- Using Leave Request App, employees can easily create and submit leave requests from their desktops or mobiles. They can track their leave entitlements at any point. Key features of My Leave Request App are:

  • Employees can enter time records for their assignment.
  • They can also filter time records based on statuses.
  • They can create or duplicate assignments and manage the same
  • They can view the calendar for two months on the desktop and for a week on the mobile
  • Employees can access the to-do list with utmost ease.
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori: My Inbox)
Database :- HANA DB or HANA side by side
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA

Features :- Using My Timesheet App, employees can manage their time entries most efficiently either on their desktop or on the go (mobiles/ tablets) . The key features of My Timesheet App are:

  • Employees can enter time records for their assignment. They can also filter time records based on statuses.
  • They can create or duplicate assignments and manage the same
  • They can view the calendar for two months on the desktop and for a week on the mobile
  • Employees can access the to-do list with utmost ease.
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori(SAP UI5))
Database :- HANA DB or HANA side by side
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA

Features :- Using My Benefits app, employees can easily access all the details of all the benefits that the company offers for them. The key features of My Benefits app are:

  • An employee can use this app for a chosen personnel assignment
  • The benefit plans for an employee can be displayed based on plan category. An employee’s eligible benefit plans (those that he has not enrolled for) can also be displayed.
  • Employees can access plan details of a particular benefit plan and view the details for any given date
  • They can open benefits summary statement as a PDF that can be downloaded.
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori(SAP UI5))
Database :- HANA DB exclusive
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA

Features :-  Using My Paystubs, employees can easily access and digitally manage all the paystubs for their respective payroll period from a desktop or a mobile. The key features of My Paystubs are:

  • An employee can use this app for a chosen personnel assignment.
  • Employees can view a list of all the paystubs. They can configure, sort and group the list based on the columns.
  • They can export a list of paystubs, along with all the columns, onto excel.
  • Display a PDF Version of the paystubs, download or store locally.
  • They can also print a paystub using their desktops.
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori(SAP UI5))
Database :- HANA DB exclusive
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA

Features :-  Using Team Calendar App, employees can view upcoming events, training and work schedules of their peers. The key features of Team Calendar App are:

  • Employees can view upcoming leaves and trainings of their peers.
  • They can view work schedules of their peers.
  • Not only can employees view others with events but can also have a view of all the employees.
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori(SAP UI5))
Database :- HANA DB exclusive
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori(SAP UI5))
Database :- HANA DB exclusive
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA
Features :- Using People Profile App, employees can display their own information like upcoming courses, their leaves, time recordings etc. Employees can also view their company profile, organizational and communication details apart from being able to navigate to their hierarchy in the organization. The key features of People Profile App are:
  • Employees can view time balances, incomplete time recordings and the next upcoming leave
  • They can view all their personal information including their qualifications and skills
  • They can look at all their upcoming courses
  • They will have details of their performance information and progression in the company
  • The app will also contain details of their pay slips, salary and bonus information
  • Using the app, employees can create, update and delete time events for a specific date
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori: My Inbox)
Database :- HANA DB exclusive
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA

Features :- Using Approve Leave Request, managers can approve/reject leave requests easily; from their SAP Fiori my inbox app. Information for the approval decision is available in the app along with a calendar that shows overlapping leave requests. The key features of Approve leave Request are:

  • All leave requests are available in a personalized inbox.
  • The manager can view a specific request along with the available leave balance and any comment added to the request.
  • The manager can approve/reject leaves after looking at a calendar that displays details of overlapping leave requests.
    App also allows viewing attachments.
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori(SAP UI5))
Database :- HANA DB exclusive
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA

Features :- Using Approve Timesheets App, managers can quickly view all pending approval and easily approve them from their desktops or mobile devices. The key features of Approve Timesheets App are:

  • Managers can review timesheets for all employees.
  • They will be able to view all the “For approval” and “Already approved” time entries.
  • View all the details of time entries for every employee
  • Approve or reject records of multiple employees as in, mass approval or mass rejection.
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori elements)
Database :- any DB
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA

Features :- Using SAP Fiori My Travel and Expenses, employees can view and submit their travel and other expenses. The key features of SAP Fiori My Travel and Expenses are:

  • This app allows employees to create, modify and submit expense reports. They can edit and save these reports in draft mode.
  • Employees have access to all types of expenses including per diems and mileage
  • They can view credit card receipts before creating new expenses so that they can delete any personal expense, if required.
  • They can also handle expense reports on behalf of other employees.
  • The app allows itemizing receipts with all the fields available in the claim.
  • It also facilitates editing of foreign currency rates.
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori: My Inbox)
Database :- any DB
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA

Features :- Using Approve Travel Expenses, managers can make decisions on the go to review and approve travel expenses of employees. The key features of Approve Travel Expenses are:

  • Managers can define the decisions that they want to display – Approve or Reject for example.
  • They can perform some standard actions such as claim, release or forward a request.
  • They can process several tasks of the same type, at the same time.
  • The app allows to view, update and delete attachments.
  • Managers can create substitution rules to manage in their absence.
  • App also lets them view business cards of the application users.
  • Managers can view the completed or suspended tasks from the outbox tile.
  • App will send alerts if the expenses exceed the budget limit set by the company.
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori elements)
Database :- any DB
Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA

Features :- Using SAP Fiori My Travel and Expenses, employees can view and submit their travel and other expenses. The key features of SAP Fiori My Travel and Expenses are:

  • This app allows employees to create, modify and submit expense reports. They can edit and save these reports in draft mode.
  • Employees have access to all types of expenses including per diems and mileage
  • They can view credit card receipts before creating new expenses so that they can delete any personal expense, if required.
  • They can also handle expense reports on behalf of other employees.
  • The app allows itemizing receipts with all the fields available in the claim.
  • It also facilitates editing of foreign currency rates.
App type :-  Transactional (SAP Fiori(SAP UI5))

Database :- HANA DB exclusive

Required Back-End Product: :- SAP S/4HANA

Features :- Using My Time Events, employees can manage time events for a specific date. The key features of My Time events are:

  • Employees can create, edit and delete time events for a specific date.
  • The app sends them messages to indicate missing or incorrect time entries.
  • They can also download time statements for a specific period.

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  • Expertise in SAP S/4HANA and HANA upgrades.
  • Worldwide support with local expertise.
  • 24/7 service and quick issue resolution.