SAP Service and Support - Benefits and Different models
SAP software is the basis of many organizations. SAP has pushed for pricey upgrades on a regular basis to maintain full support over the years. With each upgrade, the maintenance cost also rose exceptionally. To tackle this problem and avoid constant upgrades, organizations decided to outsource SAP Service and Support to a third party.
LMTEQ’s Enterprise Support is always on the lookout for helping organizations in maximizing their SAP investments. In this blog, let us learn more about the benefits and different models of SAP Support Service.
What is included in SAP Service and Support?
Types of Support Models:

The following are some of the various benefits of sap support services.
Understanding the ins and outs of sap support services helps to choose the right service partner. Our designated Support team must be the maintenance that your organization needs and helps you to get the most out of your SAP investments and delay the need for migration services.
LMTEQ’s SAP Enterprise support offers support services for all of the aforementioned versions, as well as assistance in migrating from an older to a newer version of SAP.
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